Xo: How To Level Up

Have you seen Men In Black II? I’ve always wondered about a specific conversation in that movie, it goes like this:

Agent K: When you get sad it always seems to rain.
Laura: Lots of people get sad when it rains!
Agent K: It rains because you’re sad baby.

Now, I know I’m important,  but I also know that I’m not the Light of Zartha, but when it rains, my mood is pretty somber. So all week I’ve been on the hunt for little things to Level Up. 

On Monday morning I definitely woke up in a mood I’d say was about a 2/10, which is pretty unusual for me, Sunshine and Rainbow, remember? So, then and there I decided to do little things to level my mood back up. So darlings here are some of my X’s and Os to do just that. “The secret of joy is mastery of pain.” Anais Nin. We’re going to Level Up.

1. Make a Happy Playlist 🙂

I don’t know about you, but for me, music makes me lose control. Music is probably the best thing on this list, it helps to trigger memories and if you can channel all the good memories you need, you will definitely feel better. This is one of my favorite things to do every single morning. The music I listen to while getting ready definitely impacts my day. Suggestion, Pharrell’s Happy and Bruno Mars’ 24K Magic is a must. Don’t argue with me about this. It is a must. Level Up 3/10


2. A Warm Shower Will Do 🙂

I don’t know about any one else but I almost always take warm showers, whether its in the scorching summer or dead of winter, I’m taking a warm shower. To me, there is just something relaxing about warm showers. The heat soothes my muscles, helps to clear my sinuses. Studies have shown that taking a warm shower can amp up your oxytocin levels and ease anxiety. Usually my playlist is going while I shower, I sing along and dance around and of course I still do that weird thing in the shower that I told you guys about in my 15 Weird Facts About Me Tag.   Level Up 4/10


3. Coffee Please 🙂

This is something I am known for, drinking coffee then bouncing off the walls. Lol. When I was in the corporate world, I simply could not function without a cup of coffee in the mornings, especially if it was a Thursday and was already at work at 7 a.m. (work wouldn’t begin until 8, yay) I try to limit my coffee intake these days, but man oh man, coffee sure does it for me and I don’t mean Starbucks, I mean that good ole’ Jamaican Blue Mountain Peak coffee. Coffee makes me feel invincible, I kid you not, it also curbs my appetite, I feel full and happy and my brain is as sharp as a whistle. If I do say so myself, some of my best and most efficient work came from a coffee high. If your not into coffee, have some tea, a favorite of mine these days is Bigelow Benefit Tea in Peach and Ginger. Yum Yum. Level Up 6/10


4. Paint That Face 🙂

I don’t know but you but when asked if it was better to “Feel Good or Look Good?” I always choose Look Good simply because looking good makes me feel good. So my next thing to do is put on some makeup, on days when I’m feeling down I takes my time hunny. I opted this week to do a very light makeup look, some of my best work if I do say so myself 🙂 For my male XOs you guys have it so easy, a haircut and you guys become as fine as wine LOL. Level Up 8/10 

5. Spring, Isn’t It Lovely 🙂

Spring has sprung and its absolutely gorgeous outside. I absolutely adore taking long walks in the park now. Fresh air and sunshine always brighten my mood. Studies have proven that sunshine boosts levels of serotonin; the body’s natural happy hormone. That’s why we tend to feel happier and more energetic when the sun shines. As I stated in the beginning of this post though, it had been raining all day for about a week so no park for me, luckily the sun had peeked out a little, so I threw open those blinds and attempted to soak up as much sun as my windows would allow. Level Up 9/10

Bonus Tip

I put on my pink top because light cheery colors always make me feel better (in the words of Karen Smith “On Wednesdays, we wear pink ) and headed on over to Snapchat, yes social media. There is nothing like getting cute and taking hundreds of selfies. This has always been a question that puzzles human minds all over the world. Why do women get cute just to take a million pics (half of which we probably wont like and delete) only to post them on social media. XOs I got the answer. Selfies make you feel better, seeing yourself all dolled up just makes you feel attractive and confident. Never forget: Xo Self Love Is The Best Love. Level Up 10/10. 

Let me know what you do to Level Up and Lift your mood In the Comments.


26 thoughts on “Xo: How To Level Up

  1. Haha, I’m loving these tips. Who doesn’t love music? And coffee? I’m going to play with my face (greatest idea 😉 ) Arghhh…I should go for the bonus tips too; that’s fun. Such a brilliant idea…thanks xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahhh I totally agree and have adopted a lot of the same things. Need to paint that face more often tho. Kinda hard as a new mum but need to make it happen. Thanks for the lovely post.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I found this article at exactly the right time, it’s raining and flooding my front room! But on the other hand I move in the next few days… And I’ll move listening to happy songs and wearing colourful clothes. Thanks 💚

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love to put on my favorite Spotify playlist, pray, and do some organizing. I always feel better when I am productive during my day. Great list!

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “Paint that face” HONEY! So many times I wake up feeling bleh and I’m like ite lemme just put on some eyebrows so I can be presentable. 30 minutes and a whole contour routine later I’m ready for the world

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Absolutely love it!!! You know how I am about feeling good and looking great. Excellent choice of tea. You definitely know I’m into teas…cuppa tea please😍. I do have coffee occasionally for that extra boost…expecially brewed coffee. The sweet aroma is therapy in itself…Great blog! 😍😍😍😍👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽

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